髙木 月人主席エグゼクティブコンサルタント

Tsukito TakagiChief Executive Consultant


GMO VenturePartners株式会社では、前CFOの後任としてファンドレイズや投資先スタートアップの経営支援、ポートフォリオ管理、パフォーマンス測定のほか、法務・広報なども含めたファンドマネジメント全般を担当。


After joining Sapporo Breweries Ltd., he primarily engaged in corporate strategy and corporate finance. As the youngest member ever assigned to the IR department, he discussed with nearly 150 institutional investors, analysts and activists annually, and received numerous awards, including executive commendations. During the same period, he planned and executed educational volunteer activities and school meal support projects for elementary schools in Nepal as the president of an NPO.

At GMO VenturePartners, succeeding the former CFO, he managed overall fund operations including fundraising, providing management support to portfolio startups, overseeing portfolio management, measuring performance, and handling legal and public relations tasks.

After joining Benesse Holdings, leveraging his experience in VC fund management and educational volunteering overseas, he promoted startup investment, business development, alliances, and digital transformation in the CVC division. In the new medical/SaMD business development projects contracted from outside the company, he was responsible for consulting tasks such as business scheme design. Additionally, he served as an external advisor for several startup companies as an independent consultant.

He believes that his past experience and knowledge would be great advantage as a consultant at Concord Executive Group.

転職支援の流れService Flow

